A Little About Me
I have more than 20 years coaching experience. I have a Master of Science Degree in Psychology with a Specialization in Sport Psychology. I am Assistant Coach at a university. A USA Basketball Gold License coach and a Varsity Youth basketball coach in the summer. I have coached in the Amateur Athletic Union(AAU), High School, and the College level (Junior College and 4 year University). I am a Championship coach. I go beyond teaching the physical skills of basketball. I help players recognize the importance of incorporating mental training skills into their basketball workouts. My coaching experience has allowed me to work with athletes at many levels. Based on that experience I saw a need to help athletes develop mental training skills to compliment their physical basketball skills. In my opinion mental training is as equally important as physical training, especially if the goal of the athlete is to perform at a high level on the basketball court. I created Basics & Basketball, LLC™ to help athletes new to basketball gain skills and knowledge that can impact their ability to contribute to a basketball team. However, the techniques and training I share can be used at any level. I partner with athletes to demonstrate how training tools such as Goal Setting, Visualization, and Motivation can be integrated with the physical skills of basketball to make the athlete a better player. When opponents are equally matched the victory can come down too which player is more mentally prepared. Let me help you reach your goals! Let's Get Started. Contact me at Basics & Basketball, LLC ™. Where Athletes Get Smarter © to get started on your journey to be a better basketball player!